Episode 54 – Henry II

He’s the husband of Catherine de’ Medici, the lover of Diane de Poitiers, the father-in-law of Mary, Queen of Scots. Can Henry II stand out in a period dominated by these legendary women? How will he fare against the might of the Hapsburg Empire? And how will he reconcile his religion with the unlikely alliesContinue reading “Episode 54 – Henry II”

Episode 53 – Francis I

It’s time to pass judgement on Francis I, deciding whether or not King Big-Nose deserves the guillotine! With this monarch, we enter a new age of Protestant rebellions, American colonialism and Hapsburg domination. Did Francis rise to meet these new challenges, or was he just a blustering fool? Make sure you leave us a reviewContinue reading “Episode 53 – Francis I”

Episode 52.5 – Louise of Savoy

From unwanted daughter to first lady of France, this episode we chart the gradual rise of Louise of Savoy – the mother, mentor and “great regent” of King Francis I. From Anne of France to Louis XII, we’ll see how she measures up to other French rulers of her time, and see whether she getsContinue reading “Episode 52.5 – Louise of Savoy”

Episode 51.5 – Anne of Brittany

This episode, we take a brief detour from the Valois boys to visit gorgeous Brittany and give our latest queen, Anne, her own episode, as she was also a fierce ruler in her own right, and fought for her independence from a very young age. In Part 1, we learn about Anne’s early life, herContinue reading “Episode 51.5 – Anne of Brittany”

Episode 50.5 – Anne of France

Also called Anne de Beaujeu or Madame la Grande, this princess inherited all the best traits of her father the Universal Spider. Like him she was cunning and ruthless, yet she also had an eye for art and literature, updating the court for the new Renaissance era. Sadly for France, as a woman she wouldContinue reading “Episode 50.5 – Anne of France”

New Series: French Mistresses

At last, it is time to release the first episode in our new spinoff series, “Battle Royale: French Mistresses”. Parallel to the main series, Ben and Eliza will be going through all the official royal mistresses of France from Agnès Sorel to Madame du Barry, and determining which of them will be the victor ofContinue reading “New Series: French Mistresses”

Episode 49 – Charles VII

He may be “Charles the Victorious”, for finally ending the Hundred Years’ War, but this king has a somewhat mixed reputation among historians. This episode, we learn what happened after Joan of Arc and the Regents of Madness, and how France recovered from a century of devastation. Make sure you leave us a review on AppleContinue reading “Episode 49 – Charles VII”

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