

We rate all our kings in 5 categories, giving them scores out of 20 in each, before delivering our final verdict on whether they should be sent to the guillotine, or continue on to the Battle Royale Tournament.

Resemblance to categories from the Rex Factor, Pontifacts or Totalus Rankium podcasts is purely coincidental… Just kidding, we are thieves.


This score is based on our first impression of the monarch’s portrait, as well as the symbols, icons and monuments associated with their reign. Would we swipe left, or swipe right? High marks for silk and ermine extravagance. Low marks for an out-of-focus bathroom selfie.

This one is pretty straightfoward! High marks if they expand their territory and centralise power. Low marks if they give it all up to some guy called Hugh, or worse, let the English win…

Here we judge the monarch on how well they went about all that good governing stuff: looking out for their people, conducting diplomacy, administering justice and forging a strong, stable France. We also strongly consider their personal character, and how they treated those around them. High marks if we’d grab a chardonnay with them. Low marks if they’d murder our whole family.

Eliza’s favourite category! Here we dig up all the dirt on the monarch and decide how saucy and scandalicious their life was, from boisterous boudoirs to mad massacres. High marks if they were on the cover of every medieval tabloid. Low marks if they were a royal buzzkill.

Essentially, it’s a combination of the “Longevity” and “Dynasty” scores from the Rex Factor podcast, the inspiration for our format.

⚜️Points for Length of Reign

The top scorer in this category reigned for 72 years, 3 months and 18 days, so 72.3 years = 10/10 score. Since 72.3 x 0.2766 = 10, all other scores here are multiplied by 0.2766. Subsequently, however, the Reign scores are also multiplied by 1.35, in order to better spread out the results, and make it so that the top overall scorer in the Vie en Throne round receives 20/20.

⚜️Points for Number of Children

The top scorer in this category had 8 surviving legitimate children, so 8 children = 10/10 score. Since 8 x 1.25 = 10, all other scores here are multiplied by 1.25. Subsequently, however, the Children scores are also multiplied by 1.35, for the same reason given for the Reign scores.

⚜️Total Vie en Throne Score

After all the above maths, we simply add the Children Score and the Reign Score together to get the total Vie en Throne Score. This gives us a fair impression of what we’re asking in this category: How long did the monarch reign, and how many children did they contribute to the dynasty, in relation to the other contenders?

( No. of Years x 0.1868 ) + ( No. of Children x 1.6883 ) = Vie en Throne Score out of 20.

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